
  • Home is where the ebtss heart is.
  • We’ll take care of your home, pets, and residence – 24 hours a day.

Our Service

ebtss members can have a qualified and screened staff presence to look after your residence while you’re away, be it for a few hours, a night, a weekend, a week, a month or even longer if you wish, anything is possible for our members.

This ebtss service is available for residence in the UK only.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Paul and the team at EBTSS deliver exemplary, high-touch service for both the discerning business and leisure traveller. EBTSS’s services are a must to complete any trip, especially to London. Over many years we have come to rely upon EBTSS to elevate every travel experience.

Constantine S. Dimas
Chief Business Officer, Loews Hotels & Co.

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